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Technical Description

Have you ever wondered how the process of digestion truly works and where does it start? In this technical description assignment I would be explaining what digestion is, where does it start to where it ends, and the different processes within Digestion. To start off, Digestion is the process that your body starts to break down food into useful substances that your body can use. These useful substances can be used to keep your body working at its most efficient form; your body is kept hydrated and is able to use proteins for muscles or substances like fiber for the performance of some of your organs. Additionally, according to Cephalic Vein who is the author of “Chemical digestion definition”, digestion is broken down into two parts which are the processes of breaking food mechanically and chemically. Digestion is a process that happens inside of us everyday of our lives subconsciously and helps us power our bodies so they can keep working the way it should. Without digestion our muscles would be massless, our bodies wouldn’t stay hydrated, our energy levels would be disrupted, and our cells would deteriorate.

digestion, absorption and enzymes, Cephalic Vein

    The process of the digestion of foods that takes place daily in our bodies starts in the mouth in a process called mastication according to Cephalic Vein. Mastication is the process of breaking the food that initially enters your mouth into smaller fragments by chewing them to make them absorbable by the body. While chewing, the food is mixed with saliva to ensure that it is ready to enter the stomach. This process of mastication is considered to be mechanical since it is mostly done mechanically by your body. The process of mastication also includes chemical digestion since your saliva is helping break down the food with special enzymes to make digestible.  Moving on, after the food enters your mouth and is swallowed, it goes through the esophagus by being pushed in by the tongue. Through the esophagus the food makes its way into the stomach where another process starts. This other process is the breaking of food in the sack-like organ that we have that is called the “stomach”. This is considered a chemical process of breaking down food because the acids that are naturally in the stomach are used to break down the food with special enzymes and acids to take the important substances and nutrients from the foods. From this point on the foods leave the stomach and go to the large intestine where your body starts absorbing the substances that were broken down in the stomach.

Picture taken from: “http://tenderness.co/chemical-digestion-definition/”

The large intestine is responsible for absorbing any water left in the and electrolytes to keep the body hydrated. It is also responsible for absorbing important vitamins like vitamins K and B12. Once the absorption in the large intestine is finished the absorption in the small intestine begins. In the stomach, a lot of the breaking of the food goes down, but in the small intestine the most important part happens. In the small intestine most of the absorption of the nutrients that were broken down takes place. Also, the small intestine is where the absorption of things like water, salt and other nutrients takes place. After the small intestine is done with its job the food is turned into dry waste and travels through the rectum and anus. This is a general description of the digestion process that takes place in the human body.

See the source image

Picture taken from “http://tenderness.co/chemical-digestion-definition/”

In conclusion, the body’s digestion process is composed of many different parts and processes. The mechanical and chemical process are the processes that break down food in the different parts of the digestion. At the end, absorption of nutrients and water take place in the small and large intestine, and this is where the digestion of foods ends. This technical description will help college students understand how the general process of digestion works.

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